It's been a very long time since a blog post, and I apologize to my stalkers and loyal readers. Well, I've been playing MineCraft (I've been made a moderator on the MinecartRapidTransit server, woohoo!), I've been doing farmwork, I've been learning Java, I've been doing web dev, and I've been working as a "Special Projects Manager". Yea, I've been pretty darn busy...
Well, I have two blog posts planned for when I have the time. First, I am making a note of every time I become frustrated or annoyed by silly mistakes. It will be slightly humorous, I think. Second, I will be going over how 95% of resumes get rejected. Maybe, after those two, I may go off on a rant of needing to educate the general population better. I don't hold their ignorance of their field of work against them; it is the fault of an education system that could be improved. Maybe more on that later.
Well, I'm busy until next week, so I hope to see all of you again soon!